Carbon Footprint Training in vocational education and training schools

Project completion at Göranssonska Skolan, Sandviken, Sweden

Based on a shared challenge to reduce the environmental impact of schools in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, the carbon footprint of schools was calculated in collaboration with teachers and students, and measures to reduce the carbon footprint were identified. An appropriate methodology and didactics were developed and implemented at the participating schools. The results of the project are:
  • Methodology for calculating and reducing the carbon footprint of schools and their associated entities Improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions in the participating schools Promotion of collaboration between schools and businesses, leading to better education of future employees regarding sustainable development Updates to the curriculum regarding sustainable development Continuous reduction of CO2 emissions from schools
The following schools participated in the project:
  • Instituto Técnico Comercial Cuatrovientos Sociedad Cooperativa in Pamplona, Spain HTBLA Wolfsberg Sandvik Utbildnings AB, Sweden Technological Technical Institute Bozen, Italy
In the creation of the carbon footprint, the schools were supported by employees of STENUM GmbH and CENTRO INTEGRADO SUPERIOR DE ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, Imarcoin, Spain.


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