Is Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) set to become a pivotal determinant for the sustainable and long-term prosperity of Georgian businesses?

From November 7th to 8th, 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia hosted a conference focused on fostering the sustainable integration of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) within the country, as part of the “EU4Environment” project. The conference aimed to advance a comprehensive and sustainable transformation of the Georgian economy, striking a balance between environmental consciousness and economic progress. Sustainability at the forefront: Central to the conference was the endeavor to ensure not just the expansion but the enduring sustainability of Georgian enterprises. By integrating eco-friendly practices, the goal was to achieve harmony between economic advancement and ecological stewardship. Interactive knowledge sharing: Participants engaged in lively discussions and exchanged practical insights, providing a platform for learning about successful tools and programs implemented in diverse contexts. Empowering SMEs: Special attention was directed towards the significance of involving and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By greening SMEs, a ripple effect across the entire economic landscape can be realized. Embracing circular economy principles: The conference underscored the importance of transitioning towards a circular economy model, advocating for the sustainable and closed-loop utilization of resources. This approach not only fosters environmental preservation but also presents opportunities for long-term cost efficiencies. Fostering green innovations: Additionally, the conference showcased innovative strategies and technologies designed to facilitate the shift towards resource-efficient and clean production methods, positioning Georgia as a frontrunner in green technology adoption.


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