Carbon Footprint Training in vocational education and training schools


Carbon Footprint Training in vocational education and training schools

Project completion at Göranssonska Skolan, Sandviken, Sweden

Based on a shared challenge to reduce the environmental impact of schools in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, the carbon footprint of schools was calculated in collaboration with teachers and students, and measures to reduce the carbon footprint were identified. An appropriate methodology and didactics were developed and implemented at the participating schools. The results of the project are:
  • Methodology for calculating and reducing the carbon footprint of schools and their associated entities Improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions in the participating schools Promotion of collaboration between schools and businesses, leading to better education of future employees regarding sustainable development Updates to the curriculum regarding sustainable development Continuous reduction of CO2 emissions from schools
The following schools participated in the project:
  • Instituto Técnico Comercial Cuatrovientos Sociedad Cooperativa in Pamplona, Spain HTBLA Wolfsberg Sandvik Utbildnings AB, Sweden Technological Technical Institute Bozen, Italy
In the creation of the carbon footprint, the schools were supported by employees of STENUM GmbH and CENTRO INTEGRADO SUPERIOR DE ENERGIAS RENOVABLES, Imarcoin, Spain.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Smart Region Villach


Smart Region Villach

The project is implemented by the City-Region Regional Cooperation Villach together with the experts of RMA - Resource Management Agency GmbH and in cooperation with the advertising agency Fussi GmbH, as part of a LEADER project supported by the European Union, federal government, and state.

Pilot Initiative “Resource-Efficient Municipality – Ecological Cleaning”

Sustainable criteria for procurement and use of cleaning agents

The use of problematic chemical substances in object cleaning can be significantly reduced through eco-conscious procurement and application of cleaning agents. The originally planned implementation of a pilot project on this topic in a municipality was not possible due to the pandemic. In order to still achieve the project goals, a guideline with useful information, criteria, and measures was developed universally for municipalities.

As part of the pilot initiative, STENUM conducted the following activities:

Creation of a guideline for sustainable procurement in municipalities with the following content:

Assessment of the initial situation in municipalities
Measures for optimization in procurement, contracting, and cleaning
Preparation of materials for information and training in the implementation of the measures
Presentation of the impact of sustainable procurement
Creation of informational materials for communication in municipalities, as well as development of worksheets
Public relations after completion of the materials

Benefits and impact for the region:

Reduction of problematic substances and products in object cleaning
Increase in the proportion of ecological and biological products
Circular economy and resource efficiency
Improvement of air, water, and soil quality


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Improving Nigeria’s Industrial Energy Performance & Resource Efficient Cleaner Production through Programmatic Approaches & the Promotion of Innovation in Clean Technology Solutions


Improving Nigeria’s Industrial Energy Performance & Resource Efficient Cleaner Production through Programmatic Approaches & the Promotion of Innovation in Clean Technology Solutions

The aim of the project is to accelerate the adoption of Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) and enhance the environmental performance of businesses under the broader framework of best practices and innovative approaches to Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) within selected medium and large-scale industrial enterprises in Nigeria. This will not only promote industrial energy efficiency and optimization, material, water, and chemical efficiency, and cleaner production but also contribute to ecological sustainability, improved access to energy, and enhanced economic performance of the companies.

STENUM is responsible for training in Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP). RECP addresses three dimensions of sustainability:

Production efficiency, emphasizing the optimization of the productive use of natural resources – materials, chemicals, energy, and water;
Environmental management, which focuses on minimizing impacts on the environment and nature by reducing waste and emissions; and
Social improvement, aiming to minimize industrial/chemical risks to the well-being of workers and communities.

In this project, STENUM will develop curricula for academic courses at:

  • University of Abuja
    Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Delta State
    University of Lagos
    Bayero University Kano


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


ECOPROFIT plants 1,000 trees


ECOPROFIT plants 1,000 trees

STENUM GmbH is sponsoring the planting of 1 Silver Willow (Salix alba) tree along the Petersbach.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Implementation of the Industrial Emission Directive in Serbia – IED Serbia


Implementation of the Industrial Emission Directive in Serbia – IED Serbia

The implementation of Best Available Techniques is an important step towards compliance with the Industrial Emissions Directive in Serbia. One of the activities of the “IED Serbia” project involves a comparative analysis of the financial and environmental impacts that the adoption of these technologies would bring to selected industry sectors. In this way, the project supports companies and relevant authorities by providing relevant data on the application of Best Available Techniques, which would enable environmental protection improvements while ensuring the sustainability of industrial production.

As part of the project, Dr. Johannes Fresner visited companies subject to the directive along with local experts.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Resource Efficiency in Moldova – Transforming Challenges into Opportunities


Resource Efficiency in Moldova – Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

In July, STENUM was in Chișinău and Nisporeni to meet with representatives from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, the Convention of Mayors of Moldova, and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as with strategic partners and experts such as ODA, the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprise Development, the national UNIDO coordinator, the EIP expert, RECP experts, trainees, and demonstration companies to discuss future strategies for implementing resource efficiency and circular economy.

The foundation for this discussion is the National Waste Management Program 20213-2027 and the National Development Strategy for 2030. The Ministry of Environment focuses on capacity building and enabling collaboration among various stakeholders and the institutional frameworks required to ensure continuity in the continuation of the initiative beyond the EU4Environment program.

On Friday, July 14th, members of the RECP group, representatives of the EU4Business program, members of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, the Ministry of Environment, and ODA, as well as members of UNIDO, EU4Environment, and EU4Business-related experts, gathered for a workshop. The focus was on collaboration with related programs. Over 20 participants discussed challenges, obstacles, and opportunities for SMEs in accessing RECP tools and financing. After presentations of each organization’s experiences, further discussion took place in a World Café format. Participants engaged with these topics by discussing them in small table groups, which rotated in several rounds of 20-30 minutes each. Observations, experiences, and suggestions were exchanged, and their applicability within a broad framework was discussed.

The event demonstrated that the future of the program should focus on sharing experiences and exploring synergies. Approaches should also address the specific strategic requirements and opportunities of micro, small, and medium enterprises. While small businesses require immediate technical support, medium-sized enterprises are interested in training their employees and information on new technologies to improve production and explore new markets. Large companies benefit from specific knowledge about digitization, automation, and international trends that they can leverage for growth in international markets.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Conference focusing on the sustainable integration of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) in Azerbaijan.


Conference focusing on the sustainable integration of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) in Azerbaijan.

On September 26, 2023, a conference addressing the sustainable integration of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) in Azerbaijan, under the umbrella of the “EU4Environment” project, was held in Baku. Representatives from various entities including the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMBDA), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry development associations, scientific bodies, and experts attended the event. The activities of the project align with the goals outlined in the “Socio-economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022 – 2026”. Under the agenda titled “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socioeconomic Development”, efforts are directed towards fostering a sustainable, growing, and competitive economy. Mr. Umud AGhazadeh, Deputy Head of the Department of Cooperation with International Organizations at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, highlighted projects and initiatives related to transitioning to a circular economy, adopting clean technologies, promoting and utilizing renewable energy sources, as well as initiatives for recycling and cleaning up polluted areas. Recognizing the finite nature of Earth’s resources, achieving resource efficiency becomes imperative for sustaining economic growth. Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) becomes not only essential for economic expansion but also serves as a significant catalyst for enhancing industry competitiveness, job creation, and fostering innovation through investments in recycling and resource recovery. Azerbaijan’s commitment to innovative management principles forms the cornerstone of its journey towards sustainable transformation. Within this context, sustainable water management emerges as a critical factor in achieving sustainable land use. Mr. Rafig Verdiyev, Deputy Head of the Department of Environmental Policy at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, emphasized that Azerbaijan’s water policy is geared towards ensuring water availability and quality in line with international standards, while also emphasizing ecological health, environmental preservation, efficient water resource utilization, and fostering global water cooperation. The conference provided a forum to discuss UNIDO’s strategy for mitigating industry’s environmental impact through measures aimed at enhancing both economic and environmental facets within companies. As part of the project, the RECP methodology was implemented in 15 companies, focusing on resource and water efficiency tailored to the specific needs of these enterprises, along with initiatives addressing energy efficiency, energy audits, safe chemical management, and waste reduction in production processes.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Is Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) set to become a pivotal determinant for the sustainable and long-term prosperity of Georgian businesses?


Is Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP) set to become a pivotal determinant for the sustainable and long-term prosperity of Georgian businesses?

From November 7th to 8th, 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia hosted a conference focused on fostering the sustainable integration of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) within the country, as part of the “EU4Environment” project. The conference aimed to advance a comprehensive and sustainable transformation of the Georgian economy, striking a balance between environmental consciousness and economic progress. Sustainability at the forefront: Central to the conference was the endeavor to ensure not just the expansion but the enduring sustainability of Georgian enterprises. By integrating eco-friendly practices, the goal was to achieve harmony between economic advancement and ecological stewardship. Interactive knowledge sharing: Participants engaged in lively discussions and exchanged practical insights, providing a platform for learning about successful tools and programs implemented in diverse contexts. Empowering SMEs: Special attention was directed towards the significance of involving and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By greening SMEs, a ripple effect across the entire economic landscape can be realized. Embracing circular economy principles: The conference underscored the importance of transitioning towards a circular economy model, advocating for the sustainable and closed-loop utilization of resources. This approach not only fosters environmental preservation but also presents opportunities for long-term cost efficiencies. Fostering green innovations: Additionally, the conference showcased innovative strategies and technologies designed to facilitate the shift towards resource-efficient and clean production methods, positioning Georgia as a frontrunner in green technology adoption.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


What strategies can be adopted to integrate a circular economy approach within your organization?


What strategies can be adopted to integrate a circular economy approach within your organization?

Foto © Andreas Kraus

The focal point of the recent “Circular Economy in Dialogue” event, hosted by the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce in St. Pölten, revolved around one central inquiry: How can businesses implement circular economy principles within their operations?

Here’s an overview: What exactly does circular economy entail, and what economic and ecological opportunities does it present?

Drawing inspiration from trailblazers: Notably, exemplary cases from various sectors of the Austrian economy in St. Pölten illustrated how circular economy practices are already being employed, spanning industries such as construction, plastics processing, and food production. Among the showcased entities were Miraplast Plastics Processing, Bakery Lechner, Vöslauer, Schmid Industrieholding, Tchibo Austria, and PORR Environmental Technology.

Next step: Assess the specific potential of circular economy integration within your own company. What business opportunities align with your current operations, and how can they be effectively implemented? What actionable areas exist for production companies right now? Key focus areas include material selection, circular design, and circular business models.

During the event, a workshop led by Christina Krenn (STENUM GmbH) and Johannes Fresner (STENUM GmbH & RFA member) provided participants with the chance to analyze their respective companies and formulate practical measures for integrating circular economy practices. Through collaborative efforts, attendees from model companies brainstormed innovative approaches, touching upon topics such as material selection, product design for recyclability, the adoption of rental models, and the expansion of service offerings.

Embrace the role of a circular economy pioneer and embark on your own initiatives!

The event, spearheaded by the Lower Austrian Economic Chamber, was facilitated by Karin Huber-Heim, Executive Director of the Circular Economy Forum Austria.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


ECOPROFIT award 2023


ECOPROFIT award 2023

Foto: Stadt Graz/Foto Fischer

During the celebratory event held at the Graz Opera on November 27th, 2023, Vice Mayor Judith Schwentner awarded the ÖKOPROFIT seal of quality from the city of Graz to 40 companies. Since 1991, this annually updated program has been an integral component of the Graz Environmental Office’s services. By offering tailored guidance, cutting-edge knowledge dissemination, and local networking opportunities, entrepreneurs receive support in making their businesses environmentally sustainable. This year’s initiatives encompassed a wide range of actions, including the installation of high-efficiency PV systems, the establishment of biodiversity areas, significant reductions in water and paper consumption, and the promotion of ecological procurement practices.

“As a councilor focusing on environmental issues, I have witnessed firsthand in recent years the dedication of Graz’s entrepreneurs and business owners to the well-being of their city. Their efforts in promoting responsible resource management, reducing emissions and waste, facilitating the transition to cleaner energy, and improving air quality in our urban environment not only bring about positive local changes but also contribute to a healthier climate overall,” expressed Vice Mayor Schwentner, delighted by the enthusiastic participation.


Mit STENUM Unternehmensberatung und Forschungsgesellschaft für Umweltfragen GmbH die Ressourceneffizienz im Unternehmen steigern, kontinuierlich verbessern und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beitragen.

STENUM GmbH © 2018