Contribution to “Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik”
Contribution to “Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik”
Carbon footprints for metal processing companies
A carbon footprint, also referred to as a greenhouse gas footprint, is a quantitative measure of the amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly by a specific activity, product, or company over a defined period. A climate balance aims to record and evaluate the overall contribution to greenhouse gas emissions to understand the effects on climate change and identify potential reduction strategies. This article covers defining the balance boundary, identifying emission sources, collecting data on energy consumption, transportation, and materials that lead to greenhouse gas emissions. It also includes the use of standardized emission factors to calculate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions linked to the collected data, resulting in total emissions measured in CO2 equivalents. The conclusion involves developing targeted, company-specific reduction strategies based on the gathered information.
- +43 (0)316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
ECOPROFIT award 2022
ECOPROFIT award 2022
Today, companies are increasingly challenged to act sustainably while remaining highly competitive.
The ECOPROFIT award acknowledges the company’s dedication to operational environmental protection. This award also aims to encourage ongoing efforts to enhance environmental performance.
We extend our gratitude for your excellent cooperation, dedication, and continuous efforts to reduce CO2 emissions.
Congratulations to all the companies on their 2022 ÖKOPROFIT award.
- +43 (0)316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
Plastic life cycle in practice
The webinar is part of the Material Efficiency Laboratory project, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, and is organized by STENUM GmbH and Resource Forum Austria with ITG Salzburg, the Salzburg Industrial Association, the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce as well as the plastic cluster and cleantech cluster.
Using the example of waste plastic recycling, Prof. Jungmeier of Joanneum Research showed the comparison of waste and waste recycling as well as the evaluation in an LCA. Either electricity and heat or secondary material is obtained through recycling. The method of system analysis helps with comparability. The missing product must be added for material and energy recovery. The most important impact factors here are in energy recovery, among other things. the degrees of utilization of waste incineration, the amount of usable heat in waste incineration and the energy replaced and in material recycling the energy requirement, the product yield, the use of residual materials in recycling and the quality of recycling products.
In the basic case, the difference between material and energy recovery is minor or not significant, according to Jungmeier. This is the case with many existing substances and the evaluation of the favoritism then depends on specific framework conditions.
Dr. Neubauer of the Austrian environmental agency provided an overview of the nationwide treatment plants: 12 plants exist with the main purpose of sorting / processing plastics, another 25 plants operate material plastic recycling (i.e. produce regranulates, semi-finished products or plastic articles), 20 plants process or recycle polystyrene.
Then Neubauer gave an insight into the first findings of a current study on the current status quo of sorting and recycling technologies. The degree of sorting in the four plants examined is between 31 and 38% of separated target fractions of the total input.
The subsequent discussion thematized, among other things, the export of plastic waste, the problem of cost competition between secondary raw materials and currently cheap primary material, and the consideration of bio-based plastics in recycling options that pose major problems or disruptions to the process and are therefore deliberately removed.
More about the material efficiency laboratory at:
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- +43 (0)316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
9th Workshop AICP: Material Efficiency Laboratory to Enhance Resource Efficiency in SMEs
The project “Material Efficiency Laboratory” was initiated in 2019 by the
Austrian Ministry of Climate, Environment, Innovation and Technology to
support pilot SME companies in increasing resource efficiency. As a result, a
strategy to reach out to a large number of enterprises. “Resource efficiency”
includes all raw and auxiliary materials, as well as the energy and water. At
first, a tool was developed and a manual providing supporting information.
The 47 questions address key elements of strategy, business models,
management system, processes, products, and services. Secondly, 10
assessments were carried out with manufacturing companies from different
sectors. The share of wasted materials ranged between 5% to 70% of
material input. 10 to 15% of the waste could be avoided or recycled by
awareness raising for optimum use of equipment, process control, better
equipment, and recycling. The companies appreciated concrete suggestions
and were open to discuss the use of alternative materials. Most of the
companies were already using product-related services. A total of 87
measures were identified. A number of communication activities were carried
out. Strategies were developed to further roll out resource efficiency to reach
a critical mass.
- +43 (0)316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
Webinar in the framework of REBE II
The International Energy Agency describes energy efficiency as the most important field of action for global climate protection. Accordingly, as part of the REBE II project (funded by the Interreg V-A AT-HU program), a module “Reduce energy use through process integration” was offered as a webinar. The topic was discussed by Johannes Fresner for as a webinar with 20 participants on three evenings. The program included a systematic approach to the energy audit with the focus on efficiency-increasing measures, improvement of the control system, tips on optimizing heat supply, heat distribution, heat recovery, control of engines, Pumps, blowers, compressed air, refrigeration systems, lighting, as well as many examples. Finally, the pinch analysis was discussed as an instrument for optimizing heat recovery.
One participant’s feedback: “I think that from now on I will go through technical systems with a wiser mind. The relationship of an investment to a multiple of operating costs that can be saved is fascinating. ”
- +43 (0)316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
Important information to our customers
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are still available for you. Please contact us at the usual email addresses, or on the mobile phones, as well as on +43 (0) 316 367156 – 0 .
For the time being, we are not doing any personal consultations.
Existing contracts are processed reliably and on schedule.
We wish you and your employees health and patience for the coming days!
Best regards,
Your STENUM team
- +43 (0)316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
Workshop: Idea management
Economic development requires the use of materials. The global increase in resource consumption with its consequences such as climate change, scarcity and volatility makes a change in resources, i.e. the absolute decoupling of economic development and material consumption indispensable. Resource efficiency, circular economy and bioeconomy are decisive paradigms for solutions, and manufacturing companies are key players.
The best ideas for optimization often come from the company itself! Targeted use of the knowledge and experience of employees in your company in order to continuously work on improving resource efficiency is often a challenge. The workshop presented methods and examples of success so that other companies can better use this potential in the future.
Idea management or company suggestion schemes can make a significant contribution to increasing operational material and energy efficiency and support your already implemented management systems.
The workshop on February 12th was part of the Material Efficiency Laboratory project, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and was organized by STENUM GmbH and Resource Forum Austria in cooperation with Regional Management Obersteiermark West, Kraft des Murtal and the Chamber of Commerce Styria.
- +43 (0) 316 367156 - 0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
Seminar on Circular Economy as a basis of the factory of the future in Kiev
The European Commission is supporting the EU’s transition to a Circular Economy with a broad set of measures to maintain the value of products, materials and resources for as long as possible, while minimising the generation of waste.
The production phase has an impact on the environment, supply of resources and generation of waste. The circular economy starts at the very beginning of a product’s lifecycle – smart product design and production processes can help save resources, avoid inefficient waste management and create new business opportunities.
The whole Seminar will be available on Youtube soon.
- +43 (0)316 367156-0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz
Manual for the implementation of Low Carbon strategies
The manual describes the elements of Low-Carbon Production, the relevant International conventions, and legal requirements in Serbia. Low-carbon technologies in industry are essential to achieve the EU’s climate and energy targets. The targets are defi ned in the 2020 package, 2030 framework, and 2050 roadmaps. These targets form the overall framework for the defi nition of strategies for the diff erent industrial sector. The approach described starts from explaining the carbon footprint of an organization, identifying the baseline and showing how to reduce the carbon footprint with the PDCA management cycle. It summarizes relevant standards for energy audits (Management commitment, policy, team, education, awareness) and gives hints for their practical implementation. It also describes the approach of carbon footprinting and presents a detailed approach to monitoring and controlling energy consumption. It further summarizes a set of technical options with a potential to increase energy efficiency in the processes of food processing industries. This relates to processes like refrigeration, heating, compressed air, cleaning. It describes emerging technologies, which have a potential to reduce energy consumption of processes. The carbon footprint can be reduced also by turning waste into a useful by product. In the food processing industry there is a big potential for the valorisation of by-products. In chapter 5, several options are analysed which relate to the use of by products to generate additional revenue. The chapter also shows how anaerobic fermentation can turn organic waste and concentrated wastewater into a source of energy. Turning waste into useful products or a replacement for raw materials is one of the key principles of Circular Economy. The last chapter summarizes the potential of renewable energy sources in Serbia. The important options are: straw and other agricultural waste as boiler fuel, hydropower, photovoltaic, solar thermal heating, and wind.
- +43 (0)316 367156-0
Anton-Kleinoscheg-Straße 21, 8051 Graz