Presentation at e-nova 2019 “Circular Economy as a principle for production in the future”


The e-nova took place on November 21st and 22nd at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. At this congress on sustainable technologies for energy supply, for buildings and the environment in general, Dr. Johannes Fresner introduced Circular Economy as a principle of the production of the future. Examples of closing the cycle in plastics and food processing were presented, as well as advice for companies: replacement of problematic chemicals that make recycling difficult, optimization of design, layout and internal recycling, as well as examples of new collaborations on the use of by-products and waste-to-energy.


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


STENUM has contributed to the new SUMP guidelines


The Guidelines for developing and implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (also known as the SUMP Guidelines) were originally published in 2013. Since then, many cities in Europe and around the world have developed SUMPs. Technological advances and the willingness of the general public to adopt new transport modes have provided for a a move from the traditional private car ownership model to the broad acceptance of new types of shared mobility.
The second edition of the SUMP Guidelines has taken on board the dynamic and rapidly evolving urban mobility challenges following extensive stakeholder consultation and contributions from experts. The authors have produced a number of new thematic guides and practitioner briefings to further aid in the development and implementation of SUMPs.
Within a consortium led by AREA (Fabio Tomasi, Trieste) STENUM has contributed to these topics by producing the SIMPLA guide fort he harmonisation of municipial energy plans and mobility concepts.
The Guidelines for developing and implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (2nd Edition) can be downloaded here, along with all accompanying thematic guides:

Link to the guidelines


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Our new cargo bike


STENUM has a new Danish cargo bike. We are currently testing. A report will follow soon!


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018




After several years of growth, global investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy decreased in 2017. According to the International Energy Agency, there is a danger that it will slow down further. This paper examines possible reasons and appropriate measures to close the obvious investment gap. It is documented that different phases of the life cycle of industrial plants and infrastructure require different business strategies. A company with fully developed processes or products is more likely to look for cost-cutting opportunities, while companies with new products or processes have limited resources to invest outside core manufacturing activities. To conclude, supporting political  activities are proposed: a consistent reduction in transaction costs and targeted support for the development of innovative energy-efficient processes and infrastructure to reduce the risk of  investment.cycle.

Here you can download the paper


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


ECOPROFIT award 2019


More than ever, companies are facing the challenge of acting sustainably and at the same time retaining competitiveness. We are especially pleased to welcome two new companies to the ECOPROFIT programme: GBG Gebäude und Baumanagement Graz GmbH and the Department of Civil Protection/Fire Brigade of the City of Graz. All in all, 32 companies from manufacturing industries, the service sector and administration took part in the ECOPROFIT club programme to continously improve their environmental preformance.

Workshops and dedicated working groups provide information about relevant innovations and promote the active exchange of experience within the network.  This year, the focus was on the analysis of environmental aspects over the product life cycle and the development of a mobility concept on company level. Companies have been very active in recent years, especially in the implementation of measures related to mobility. A large number of measures were implemented to promote cycling, public transport and electromobility in the ECOPROFIT companies. These measures were collected and described in a dedicated brochure.

We would like to thank everybody for their active participation, the many ideas and the  implementation of measures. Congratulations to the companies for the ECOPROFIT award 2019!


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


MIT Certificate for STENUM


TRIZ-Master Sergej Ikovenko, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA, confirms that the TRIZ training of Dr. Johannes Fresner is equivalent to the TRIZ training at MIT.

TRIZ – theory of innovative problem solving is used in companies as a method for systematic and innovative problem solving. STENUM offers TRIZ seminars and workshops as well as individual coaching for companies.


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


The work in the SIMPLA project was successfully completed


The work in the SIMPLA project was successfully completed. However, the integrated and harmonized energy and mobility planning approach is to become more widespread throughout Europe. The project partners from six EU countries and another twelve organizations from other European countries will be the motor for further dissemination of the approach. The guidelines developed as part of the project, which are available in six languages, serve as support and reference.

Visit the project website and download the latest version of the SIMPLA Guidelines or watch the videos with the testimonials from the participating countries.


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


3rd Austrian Resource Forum: STENUM presented the material efficiency laboratory


On January 24th and 25th, the 3rd Austrian Resource Forum was held in Salzburg.

In the keynote presentation, Prof. Michael Braungart presented the approach of “intelligent waste”: we want to select our raw materials so that products and waste can be used as raw materials again and not have to be disposed of in a complicated manner due to problematic or even toxic ingredients.

Prof. Heinz Leuenberger, Dr Xaver Edelmann of the World Resource Forum described the international conventions and activities for the implementation of resource efficiency and circular economy. STENUM presented the material efficiency laboratory  Medium and smaller companies from metal and plastics processing from all over Austria are cordially invited to participate!



STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


STENUM is a member of the EREK network


EREK stands for the European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre. It aims to support companies – small- and medium-enterprises in particular – as they strive to become more resource efficient.

EREK gathers a pan-European network of highly motivated business support organisations, sharing a common interest in exchanging and promoting knowledge in resource efficiency best practices. In Germany, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the Federal Environmental Agency support the network. STENUM is proud to join, to share best practise examples and promote resource efficiency.

Companies via the platform interested in resource efficiency now have ready access to the information, learning material and tools that they need.

EREK provides services to its members through its online platform but also during events on resource efficiency trends and developments regularly organised across Europe.


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018


Resource efficiency training in Cambodia


On behalf of UNIDO and in cooperation with the National Cleaner Production Center and the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Cambodia, STENUM conducted a six-day training course on resource efficiency in industrial companies. The aim of the training was to increase resource efficiency in Cambodian companies by implementing measures to reduce waste and sewage, to improve chemical management and to reduce CO2 emissions in the long term. During the training the concepts were discussed, practical exercises for the identification of optimization measures were carried out and two companies audited on site.


STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research supports companies in increasing the resource efficiency and the continuous improvement so that they contribute to sustainable development.

STENUM GmbH © 2018